When bad weather strikes or plumbing problems occur, water damage can be unfortunate for homeowners. The risks associated with untreated water damage expand far beyond the destruction of property, causing health problems and structural damage.

The Risks of Water Damage

Toxic Mold and Fungi

Home water damage presents the perfect environment for toxic molds and fungi to thrive. Exposure to these molds can lead to numerous health problems, from respiratory issues to skin reactions. Molds can grow in a few days, feeding on wet household materials such as wood, drywall, and fabric.

Health Problems from Water Damage

Water damage is more than a structural problem; it is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, leading to dirty water exposure. For example, floodwater often contains sewage and other harmful substances, increasing the risk of related diseases. Moreover, water damage can compromise your immune system, making it easier for you to fall sick.

Home Structural Damage

Constant wetness due to external factors like storms and hurricanes can lead to severe water damage restoration needs in a structure, potentially causing irreparable harm to your home. These factors often result in flooding and water penetration, which must be addressed promptly via water damage restoration

The structural damage may not be immediately visible, but ignoring it can pave the way for more serious complications down the line, such as property damage, building foundation deterioration, and the need for extensive water damage restoration.

Property Damage

Flood victims often face extensive property damage, as reported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) study. The aftermath of water damage to properties can include:

  • Complete devastation of valuable items.
  • Damage to the electrical system.
  • Even the potential collapse of the building.

Water Penetration

Water has a way of finding itself in every nook and cranny. Once it penetrates various household materials, it may lead to irreversible damage. Wood, in particular, can undergo oxidation from water damage, causing it to rot and weaken over time.

Pests and Water Damage

The moisture and wetness caused by water damage attract pests. Insects and rodents, commonly called moist environment pests, thrive in such conditions, leading to a possible infestation. This kind of water damage and pest infestation can cause further damage to your property.

When you think of water damage, you probably don’t think about water damage from AC units. However, leaks and condensation from AC units could lead to water damage in buildings if left unnoticed, contributing to mold growth and other related problems.

Electrical Shock Risk

The electrical shock risk is one of the less talked about but equally harmful consequences of water damage. Water and electricity are dangerous, and water-damaged wiring poses a serious threat. It’s critical to note the dangers of DIY water damage repair when it comes to anything electrical.

The Role of Property Restoration Companies

Water damage is a common issue that properties face in Canada due to varying weather conditions and unforeseen incidents like pipe bursts. The role of property restoration companies in these situations is crucial in ensuring swift and effective restoration. 

These companies play an integral role in the following ways:

  • Damage Assessment: Property restoration companies begin their job by conducting an initial damage assessment. This analysis involves identifying the source of water damage, the extent of the invasion, and how deep the water has infiltrated into the structure. This allows them to implement a robust plan of action.
  • Water Extraction and Drying: The next step involves extracting water and drying the affected areas. Property restoration companies use professional-grade equipment to remove water effectively and swiftly, followed by measures like dehumidification to ensure total dryness.
  • Mold Remediation: Post water damage, properties in Canada are at a high risk of mold growth. These companies use efficient mold detection and removal techniques while ensuring precautions to prevent recurrence.
  • Restoration of Damaged Property: Another critical role of these companies is restoring damaged property. The experts remove and dispose of destroyed property and repair the damaged sections, restoring them to their pre-damage condition.
  • Insurance Claim Assistance: Property restoration companies often assist in filing insurance claims. They guide property owners in managing paperwork, documenting losses, and negotiating with their insurance companies for the best possible settlement.

Property restoration in Canada is crucial in mitigating water damage. Their services rescue properties from significant damage and give homeowners peace of mind during such overwhelming situations.

Ways to Prevent Water Damage

  • Regular Plumbing Maintenance: Ensure regular checks and repairs of all your water and sewerage systems to prevent burst pipes or leaking taps, major contributors to water damage.
  • Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Blocked gutters can cause water to overflow and seep into your property. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to avoid such occurrences.
  • Install Sump Pumps: These devices pump out excessive water accumulating in your basement or crawl space, preventing water damage and mold growth.
  • Apply Water-Resistant Coatings and Seals: Waterproof paint or sealant on walls, especially in areas prone to dampness, such as the basement, keeps water penetration and damage at bay.
  • Proper Landscape: A well-designed landscape with slopes directing water away from your house can prevent water accumulation around your foundation.
  • Install Water Detection Devices: These devices sound an alarm if there is water leakage, allowing you to take immediate action to mitigate the damage.
  • Improve Roof Condition: A well-maintained roof ensures water does not seep through and cause extensive damage. Regular inspection and replacement of faulty shingles can protect your house from water damage.
  • Install Backwater Valves: This can help prevent city sewers from backing up into your pipes during heavy rainfall, thus protecting your home from sewerage water damage.
  • Watch Your Home’s Water Pressure: High water pressure can cause wear and tear in your pipes, leading to breakages. Regular checks and maintaining optimal pressure can prevent pipe leaks.
  • Insulate Your Pipes: In areas experiencing low temperatures, insulating the pipes can prevent them from freezing and bursting, saving you from significant water damage.

Final Thoughts

Untreated water damage at home is not just a mundane concern but a severe hazard for your property and health. From toxic mold and fungi to potential electric shock risk, understanding, identifying, and taking immediate action can make all the difference in safeguarding your home and health.